I'm Mohammad Raziei.-image

I'm Mohammad Raziei.

I'm a researcher, passionate about Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Natural Language Processing, and Signal Processing. My expertise includes Backend Development, creating packages, implementing algorithms, and working with Parallelism and High-Performance Computing (HPC).

In my spare time, I immerse myself in solving Rubik's Cubes, enjoying the challenge of various sizes and complexities. Continuous learning and skill enhancement remain integral aspects of my life.


About me

I'm Mohammad Raziei, passionate about Data Science, Image Processing, Natural Language Processing, and Signal Processing. With studies in Communication Systems, Computer Engineering at Polytechnic of Tehran, and Biomedical Engineering at Sharif University, I specialize in Backend Development, algorithm implementation, Parallelism, and HPC. Additionally, I have hands-on experience in MRI scanner image reconstruction. Outside of work, I continue to expand my expertise and interests through continuous learning.

  • Location:Tehran, Iran
  • Age:27
  • Nationality:Persian
  • Study:Sharif University of Technology - Tehran
  • Employment:Hamrah-e-Avval (MCI).


M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering - Electrical Engineering Department

Sharif University of Technology - Tehran, Iran2019 -- 2022
Thesis Title: Undersampled MRI Image Reconstruction

This dissertation was successfully defended in early 2022 with a very good grade. Subsequently, it was selected by the university as a confidential project for up to 5 years to complete the work related to the article and its patent registration.

B.Sc. in Software Engineering - Computer Engineering Department

Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran, Iran2017 -- 2020

Due to having excellent conditions resulting from my undergraduate GPA and ranking in the national university entrance exam (461), I pursued further studies in the field of computer science in addition to electrical engineering, through the University's Elite Talents Foundation.

B.Sc. in Communication Systems - Electrical Engineering Department

Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran, Iran2015 -- 2019
Thesis Title: Reinforcement Learning based Algorithm to Control Autonomous vehicles

This dissertation achieved the top rank in the industry at the end of 2019. This event was held with the evaluation of a panel of electrical professors and industry judges.


Senior Python and C++ developer

Hamrah Avval Company (MCINEXT) - Tehran, IranMarch 2018 - Present

The company's main goal is to achieve the digital dream and implement an internal search engine. Our team, named document analysis, is responsible for analyzing pages, extracting features, analyzing site SEO, rendering JavaScript pages, and estimating page quality.

Member of Signal Processing & Software Department

SSIG Company - Tehran, IranMay 2018 -- Nov 2020

In this company, I interviewed for the software team but ended up working in the signal processing team. After a month, I worked as a member of both teams. The software team consisted of 12 members, and the communication signal processing team consisted of 8 members. Initially, in the signal processing team, we analyzed the mentioned signals and implemented various algorithms in MATLAB. Then, as a MATLAB translator to C++, I implemented these algorithms in the signal processing software, which was written in Qt.

Lead of AI and Software Engineering

Sunyar Company - Pardis, IranJan 2021 -- Nov 2020

This company, located in Pardis Technology Park, works in the field of telecommunications and software. In this team, I was the team lead of the programming group. The company's projects were in the telecommunications and software domains, including projects in artificial intelligence, which involved five members. The projects included tasks such as Automatic Modulation Recognition (AMR) and monitoring. Additionally, projects in High-Performance Computing were carried out using CUDA for parallelization.


Spoken languages
Frontend development
HTML / CSS / Javascript / JQuery / bootstrap
React / NextJs / Typescript / TailwindCss
Programming Languages
Python / Cython / CPython
C++ / Qt
Artificial Intelligence
Image Processing
Signal Processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Generative AI

Visit my weblog to know more about me

My Publications

Book Cover

Reinforcement Learning Applications In the Controlling of Autonomous Vehicles

"Reinforcement Learning Applications in the Controlling of Autonomous Vehicles" is a comprehensive guide that explores the implementation of reinforcement learning algorithms in self-driving cars, covering fundamental concepts, challenges, and successful case studies. It is an essential resource for researchers, engineers, and enthusiasts in the field.Read more.
Book Cover
In Progress: 50%

Graph Signal Processing book: Theory + Matlab simulations (GSPBOX)

Explore the fundamentals of Graph Signal Processing in this groundbreaking Persian-language book co-authored by Dr. Arash Amini. Delve into the mathematical intricacies of signal processing on graphs, paving the way for a deeper understanding of this emerging field. A comprehensive guide for students and researchers looking to grasp the core concepts of GSP in their native language.
Book Cover
In Progress: 95%

Connection between Matlab, Python and Simulink. Powered by Matlab-Engine

Establish seamless integration between MATLAB, Python, and Simulink through the powerful MATLAB Engine. Leverage the versatility of Python for data manipulation and visualization, while harnessing MATLAB’s computational capabilities. Bridge the gap between simulation and implementation by utilizing Simulink for model-based design, creating a unified workflow across these platforms.
Book Cover
In Progress: 98%

Efficient Sequential Addressed Calculating Tree (ESACT): a Bank-Conflict-Free Technique for Parallel Prefix-Sum (Scan)

The paper introduces ESACT, a novel algorithm for parallel prefix sum calculations, addressing bank conflict issues without shared memory padding. ESACT employs a “calculating tree” concept, transforming the Blelloch algorithm into a sequential addressing scheme with pre-reordered indices. It achieves a remarkable 27% increase in calculation speed, marking a significant advancement in parallel computing by overcoming previous limitations.

If you want to shorten a line, always draw a longer line next to it.

-- Mohammad Raziei

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

-- Nelson Mandela

If you focus most of your thoughts on small-minded people in your life, you will lower yourself to their level.

-- Dr Arash Amini

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Tehran, Iran